Yesterday the last thing I posted was a fanart of the official Pico shirt there is, and when I went to check on it today I find out it’s been removed, including all of my art. Yes, I posted two drawings I made and it was my version of the shirts, but one drawing I made it myself and I still don’t know why it got deleted. I checked the reading for it and it said the content was stolen.
I don’t know if I can post my art again of if I should email newgrounds about the situation, im new to the website and I didn’t know this could happens to me at all. If anyone sees this, could you please tell me what I can do to fix this?
Don't get me wrong, but I think you may want to directly contact via PM with a Moderator for asking, instead of making a news post about this.
I'm not saying that 'this' couldn't be useful at some certain degree - but I think that seek for the reasoning of a member of the Moderation Team may be better.
Here you have the list of the Moderation Team members, at the following link below:
(Note: remember to focus on the Art Portal Moderation section of the list, because the rest won't be able to help you, since they're dedicated to other Newgrounds sections. Also, don't take anything for granted - if your submissions got unpublished, it must been because there was something wrong with them, so it's possible that you may not be able to submit them back again.)